Dr. Carrie L. Forrest, Ph.D.

Still Waters Services Pain Management Services

Dr. Forrest works extensively with individuals that are living with Chronic Pain.  She utilizes numerous techniques including Medical Hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Biofeedback  to facilitate the persons ability to increase their coping skills,  quality of life and reduce their pain. 

Dr. Forrest has been working successfully with Chronic Pain clients for over 22 years.  

Two Common Types of Chronic Pain

Everyone suffers from acute pain when injured, but acute pain abates quickly.  Chronic pain is defined as pain that has not gone away or reoccurs often even after 6 months have passed.  The management of chronic pain is so difficult because traditional methods of pain management frequently fail to bring relief.
The most common types of chronic pain are back pain, headaches, and pain associated with arthritis.  However, there are many other origins of chronic pain.  Unfortunately in many of these cases, the underlying cause of the pain is not identified.
The most common pain syndrome is myofascial pain, which refers to pain in the muscles or connective tissue.  This pain tends to be disffuse and described as "achy" and is often associated with the muscles of the head, neck, shoulders,m and lower back.  The onset can be rapid or gradual and generally will diminish on its own.  There can be a cycle with myofascial pain which 1) originates with muscle tension which produces pain; 2) focuses attention on the pain 3) increased muscle tension; and 4) resulting in more pain.  When an individual is not focusing on the pain, but instead doing other things and thinking about other things the distraction acts to minimize the experience and a normal alleviation or subsiding of the pain occurs.
Another pain syndrome, neuralgia, is similiar to myofascial pain in that there appears to be a lack of tissue damage.  The primary sign of neuralgia experienced by people is a severe sharp pain along a nerve pathway.  This pain can occur suddenly with or without stimulation.  It is transient and brief, but can reoccur and at times be intense enough to be incapacitating.
Chronic Pain/Life Recovery
Individuals with pain often present with additional coping difficulties.  Chronic pain is exhausting, physically limiting and challenges an individuals identity and sense of control.  Dr. Forrest is highly skilled with Chronic Pain / Life Recovery.  She has developed and ran six week programs for individuals with Chronic Pain.   She helps the individual (and family members) through the "Life Recovery" process.  She teaches them new skills, helps them develop a deeper understanding of self, others and the pain.  Helping  to understand  how the pain  affects and effects them and the world they live in.  Dr. Forrest teaches  them how to do more than just manage their pain on a daily basis.
 Dr. Forrest has a tool box filled with tools that she uses to teach with.  These tools  help someone with chronic pain go beyond the pain and return to a happier higher quality of living.  What she refers to as "Life Recovery".   She strongly believes that everyone who lives with Chronic Pain deserves and can succeed.  Through her use of techniques such as Psychotherapy, Medical Hypnosis, Biofeedback, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Breath work, Meditation, Grief and Loss work, Life Transitions work, Pacing, Time Management, a person can reclaim their life.

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Factors Affecting The Experience of Pain
1) Cultural.  Varying cultures offer different explanations of origin or meanings and expectations related to pain
2) Cognitive Response. The thoughts and beliefs that an individual has are one of the strongest influences on the perception of pain.  Cognitive distortions such as excessive worrying, catastrophizing, negative self-fulfilling prophecy, over generalization, and personalization are common to individuals who suffer chronic pain.  This type of thinking can play a role in the exacerbation of Depression, requiring a thorough assessment of mood disturbance issues.  The interpretation of pain will determine the overall experience of it, as well as feelings of control and self-efficacy in pain management.
3) Affect and Stress.  There is a "stress cycle"  related to Chronic Pain, as stress increases there is also an increase in the perception of pain. 
4) Prior Experiences of Pain.  Even though the reaction to pain is autonomic earlier experiences influence pain perception.